Saturday, February 15, 2014

Boy Cracks Skull Jumping Off Roof! (2000 footage) slomo

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Many moon ago (2000 till 2003ish) me & my mates would go round doing stupid stuff & get it all on video, a bit like Jackass did, but we called ourselves the Geordie Arseholes & didn't really have the balls as big as Jackass crew, by the sounds of it our balls hadn't even dropped yet but we did do some nutty shit every now & then.. Here's my mate, Magz. AKA power drill, Miguel microwave oven head, jumping off a massive roof over a canny big gap, easily the with of two cars, easily man weyaye.. Oh, for the record. He did do this off his own accord, me telling him to hurry up was not pier-pressure in any way, just back then there was no such thing as memory cards in cameras, was all on tape you see, witch was vast running out so he needed to hurry. I didn't think he'd do it TBH. & He did make a full recovery & is still going strong to this very day God bless his fragile soul.

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